Renovate Right

Lead Safe Renovation Guideline cover photo

Blocks and Spots LLC is a licensed Lead Save Renovator (LSR).

Did you know that 24% of houses built before 1978 contain lead based paint? That number jumps up to 69% if the house was built before 1960. And a staggering 87% of homes built before 1940 are known to contain lead based paint. Lead based paint was used in 38 million residential homes in the United States before it was banned in 1978.

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RIP Small Business in America /s

Death of Small Business in America graphic

Small Business in America: 1950 – 2022

Small Business in America passed away peacefully in its sleep on March 1, 2022. It was 72 years old.

Small Business had a long and storied career, contributing significantly to the American economy and cultural landscape. It created jobs, fostered innovation, and brought unique products and services to local communities. Unfortunately, Small Business had been in declining health for some time and ultimately succumbed to a number of factors that proved too much to overcome.

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ADU Barn Studio – Intro

Blog Cover - ADU Barn Studio - Intro

5 years ago, we bought a run-down 1,200 sq ft Farmhouse, that had a 3,600 sq ft New England Barn attached to it. Built in the 1880s, the property had only seen minimal upgrades over the years. With a focus on efficiency modernization, we planned on using the property as a test bed to see how we can employ new construction techniques to upgrade a 140 yr old property and make it energy efficient.

This part of the Farmhouse Renovation story is about building a 750 sq ft Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) in the hay loft of the old barn.

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Are Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) a solution to the Affordable Housing Crisis?

ADU 3D Render
The United States is in the middle of an affordable housing crisis. Since the 1970s, the cost of buying a home has gone up 500%. That's an average of 4% a year for the past 50 years. With inflation up an average of 7% per year, in that same time period, it's easy to see that buying a house is out of reach for the majority of earners. Additionally, higher labor and materials costs have compounded the overall affordability of new construction. This has made home builders and contractors tend to focus on more expensive housing in order to bring in higher profits. Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) are becoming a popular option for the affordable housing crisis. But are they the solution? 
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