Renovate Right

Lead Safe Renovation Guideline cover photo

Blocks and Spots LLC is a licensed Lead Save Renovator (LSR).

Did you know that 24% of houses built before 1978 contain lead based paint? That number jumps up to 69% if the house was built before 1960. And a staggering 87% of homes built before 1940 are known to contain lead based paint. Lead based paint was used in 38 million residential homes in the United States before it was banned in 1978.

Lead poisoning is a very real and serious issue that all home owners or renters need to concern themselves with if they reside in a home older than 1978. Lead exposure can cause a number of health issues like:

  • High blood pressure
  • Digestive problems
  • Nerve disorders
  • Memory and concentration issues
  • Joint or muscle pain
  • Fatigue

Lead is especially dangerous to children under the age of 6. This is because their bodies are still developing. Lead exposure can cause some of the following in children:

  • Nervous system damage
  • Kidney damage
  • Hyper activity
  • Speech and language problems

Pregnant women are especially at risk because lead can pass from the mother to the baby in their womb leading to:

  • Miscarriages
  • Premature births
  • Brain damage
  • Low birth weight

Lead poisoning is not always obvious. It’s symptoms can be misinterpreted by medical personal for other fairly common ailments. The only way to be certain of lead poisoning is to take a Blood Lead Level test (BLL). Consult with your physician for more information on this test.

Undisturbed lead based paint does not pose an immediate threat. The most common way people are exposure to lead is through contaminated dust. One gram of lead paint dust can spread up to 1,200 square feet in a home. This dust can then be breathed in or ingested through the nose and mouth. This is why it’s important to Renovate Right in houses built before 1978.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has created a pamphlet educating homeowners and renters about the dangers of lead poisoning and how to be sure they are protected from exposure. Understand the danger and know your rights by downloading and reading the following guide:

Traditional renovations create a lot of airborne dust. In houses built before 1978 it’s important for licensed contractors to limit the disturbance of paints that can contain lead. Blocks and Spots LLC has been certified to perform Lead Safe Renovations and contain any dust and debris. Make sure any renovations you do are done right to protect yourself and your family from the dangers of lead poisoning.



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