How To Replace an Old Staircase

Before and After Grandfathered staircase replacement

This project focused on how to install a code-compliant staircase in an old 1880s Farmhouse. The existing staircase was an addition to the original floorplan circa the 1940s because the original house did not have a 2nd floor. The method by which the existing staircase was constructed does not meet modern building codes and is often referred to as “Grandfathered in”. In order to build a staircase to meet the building codes, we needed to have more space. This meant we had to get creative with the layout of the staircase and redefine the layout of the 2nd floor and basement stairway door.

Grandfathered Staircase in an 1880s Farmhouse

Design of a code-compliant Staircase

Demolition of the Grandfathered Staircase

Back Framing the Winding Stairwell

Drywall the Winding Staircase

Building the Winding Staircase

Detailing the Winding Staircase

Railing for the Winding Staircase

Finished Winding Staircase

Wrap Replacing a Grandfathered Staircase

This project was unique because the 1880s farmhouse was vacant at the time we did the work and there were a lot of other renovations happening at the same time. If you’d like to check out the rest of the New England Farmhouse renovation you can jump over to the Blocks and Spots youtube channel and watch from the very beginning.

Thanks for tuning in!


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