New Bay Window with a Seat Provides Immediate Comfort

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Old drafty windows are the biggest hidden expense in a home. A new bay widow with a seat provides immediate comfort and energy efficiency.

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Check out this video on how we installed a new bay window with a seat in this old home.

Renovate Right

Lead contamination is a serious issues in house built before 1984. That’s why Blocks and Spots LLC is a leader in lead-safe renovations. See how to protect yourself and your loved ones from the dangers of lead poisoning.

Lead Safe Renovation Guideline cover photo
Did you know that 24% of houses built before 1978 contain lead based paint? That number jumps up to 69% if the house was built before 1960. And a staggering 87% of homes built before 1940 are known to contain lead based paint.  Lead based paint was used in 38 million residential homes in the United States before it was banned in 1978. 

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