This project built a seamless green screen in an old mill building. The curve from the wall to the floor removes the horizon and allows editors to easily insert a digital background in post-production.
Corner location for the green screen
12 ft ceiling over the green screen
Measuring out a lighting grid
1/4 inch aircraft cable clove hitch warp around lighting pipe
Installation of 1-1/2 inch steel pipe for lighting placement
Detail view above lighting grid
Detail below lighting grid
Below view of the lighting grid
Rounded inside corner framing for green cyclorama wall
Detail view from the top of the rounded inside corner
Rounded wall to floor framing right side
Rounded wall to floor framing left side
Curving 1/8 inch luan
Placement of 1/4 inch masonite flooring
Priming green screen floor
Left side view of the primed cyclorama
Front view of the primed cyclorama
Painting the cyclorama Rosco Digital Green
Full spectrum LED hanging lights
Silk paper lanterns to go over the LED lights
Placement of LED paper lanterns
These LED paper lanterns provide even full spectrum lighting of the green screen cyclorama without producing any shadows